Friday, August 13, 2010

Peer Review Session 001 - Jeffery (Chow, Chi-Ho)

Instead of having a formal crit process this semester we are having a more informal peer review session. These are my first peer reviews.

Jeffery (Chow, Chi-Ho) –Model/Laser cut group -

What is it?
Jeffery’s design is an integrated floor design for level 2 studio space. A glass floor comprised of lift up lids sections lead down to a storage space under the floor. This space acts as visible storage space for drawings and models of all students. The floor being made out of glass allows for students to draw and write on the floor, which in turn allows for an open dialogue on stored ideas. The design has been thought out so that it can also b applied to the upper studios, and necessities such as the sprinkler system has been incorporated as further hanging storage for drawings. A standout feature is the pressure sensor lights that track the movement of those walking on the floor allowing for people to generate their own systems of randomisation to help inform regeneration of ideas.

How did she use relevant technologies?
Jeffery’s entire model was cut using the laser cutter; this resulted in a precise result that conveyed its message well. Further use could have been achieved though experimentation but considering the design that was not necessary. It would have been very effective if he had managed to put the hinge system in the model as his design is very much reliant on it. Regardless, the design and use of relevant technologies is very convincing.

How is the design informed by the literature?
Jeffery expressed that this design, while in developed from the literature does not have any direct links to the system discussed in the literature. It is far more haphazard and more suited to the studio environment. Despite Jeffery’s claim of lacking a direct link, I think it has good possibility for the recycling and regeneration of ideas in a communal way.

Jeffery’s design was one of the most convincing designs I saw during the peer review session. I particularly liked how his design became communal and acknowledges the fact that all designers often find inspiration from work that is not their own. I further like the open and anonymous dialogue that the class floor gives to the design. It is totally appropriate for the studio environment and allows for people working on different projects or in different year levels to comment on pieces of work. One of my few comments would be the board that his model was attached to, presumably acting as a piece of wall this could have done with being cleaner or even painted, as I found it slightly detracted from his model. When presenting he would benefit from having his model and paper work in the same location. My only concern about the design itself would be the scale of the lift up panels, and weather that would be feasible at the size they are, seeming to require so disruption to open, but to achieve its full visual affect I think the size is appropriate. Overall presentation of Jeffery’s work is convincing, both in model and drawn form. It gives a clear idea of exactly how the design would operate in relation to studio. His design is definitely worked on multiple levels and was extremely impressive.

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