So here is more progress from secondlife.
The Petronas Towers images below were mentioned in Majalah Arkitek for their floor plan which consists of two interlocking squares (to form in my opinion a kind of star shape) softened by circles placed at the junctions of the squares. This really helped me because it gave me away to further my design when I had come to something of a wall. However I decided to forgo the circles as they are some what fussy.
The Petronas Towers Floor Plan

The Square Shapes that make up the floor
This snapshot and the next one are of my first attempt at encorporating the floor shape into what I already had in my design. I wasn't really happy with it so I changed it.

The next set of snapshots were all taken to show how i did eventually decide to have the floor shape (and wall and box shape) unfortuantely at this stage I didn't take a picture from above but hopefully you will be able to see what I've done.

So that was the extent that I got up to on Wednesday.
And now for today.
Before I show you my work, i signed in today to see from my office:

Not really very attractive in my opinion - maybe i say that more in the direction of the giant greek warrior than the giant - although almost unrealistically thin - columns. No actually I don't. Well at least it doesn't toally block out my view of the sunset yet. Also it might be appropriate to now mention that there is a heck lot of abandoned and useless prims in Putahi! What the hell people when you are finished with something that is not part of your project delete it!! Its no drama to delete stuff, you seriously just press delete after selecting the object. All the abandoned prims remind me of space junk. And whoever Oat Wasp is has left a prim in what is my office. It has been there for weeks and I've asked him/her to remove it twice - I even offered a teleport to them, but they refuse to talk to me or move it. Most annoying because they haven't got the settings so I can move it or delete it myself!
So on to my work! Much more interesting than abandoned prims.
The first set of photos are all from the same stage in construction, which is basically the finished shell, taken from different locations.

The next set of photos are of the coded door - the code and techniques came from it was really easy to do.

Well I tried to add one my photo but it wouldn't let me. It was related to a slightly different area of this. So I'll quickly put it in another post.
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